get a professional repair for an affordable priceWE'RE DEVICE AGNOSTIC
we love Apple, Android, Windows and the rest.WE'VE GOT YOU COVERED
with our 1 year manufacturer's warrantyYOUR TIME IS VALUABLE
we offer same day service on most repairs
Smartphone Repair
Whether you have an iPhone, Samsung, HTC, Google phones, LG, BlackBerry, Nokia Amazon OnePlus, Sony, Motorola, you can have your smartphone back to perfect condition in time and for the affordable price.

Laptop Repair
We have experienced technicians that can help you with Laptop Repair as well. Whether you have a PC or a Mac, we guarantee that your laptop repair will be done for the affordable price and in the shortest time possible.

Tablet Repair
If your tablet is damaged, no worries, we are here and happy to service you for all Tablet hardware issues. Bring your tablet for a free diagnostic and let us take care of your tablet.
Had an accident with your Android device? We tackle tons of Android repairs every day.Apple
iPhone, iPad, Macbook; we're experienced with the whole Apple family.Windows
Don't mind if we do. Microsoft devices need love too.Damaged devices got you down? We can help.
Don't panic. We offer a variety of smart-phone, tablet & computer repair services.
Stop in at one of our locations and get a FREE DIAGNOSTIC and honest evaluation.
Let our experienced technicians take it from here. You'll be texting again in no-time!
Leave with peace of mind. Our quality parts come with a 1-year manufacturer's warranty.